Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Martin Luther and the Reformation

Today we celebrate the 500th anniversary of The Reformation. On October 31, 1517, the great Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. But what do we know about this incredible man?

Luther went to law school but decided that he was not interested in the law. Therefore he devoted his life to ministry and took an oath of celibacy and became a monk. He was ordained celebrating his first mass in 1507. Luther was always convicted that the amount of good works he achieved was not enough for God’s standard. He would go to confession for hours and still felt the guilty of his sin. He would brutally beat himself hoping that it would be pleasing to God but it was never enough. Luther no matter how much good he did, he felt unworthy to achieve God’s love. 

Luther’s angst and frustration against the church grew for many reasons, but not least of which was a growing trend by some priests to promote indulgences. Indulgences were advertised as a way where sinners could pay out money to the church in return for the church covering that individual’s sin. The church was able to raise a tremendous amount of funds by selling these indulgences. Luther's anger at indulgences caused a firestorm in the church which forced him into hiding. Unfortunately, many anti-church people became violent against the church where forced Luther to come out from hiding to demand that they stop the violence. 

His whole point about the Reformation stood on the doctrine that we are saved not by works but by faith. He wanted to follow God according to what the Bible said, not what any religious person or the religious law of the day said.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Alzheimer’s – No More! Discovering the True Causes and Steps You Can Take Now

Alzheimer’s – No More!
Andreas Moritz
Discovering the True Causes and Steps You Can Take Now

Over the past several years I have spent countless hours reading about, attending online seminars and studying health and wellness. One of the things that sticks out most to me in all of  this acquired knowledge was that my perception of medical doctors being 'experts' on preventing disease has been shattered as most don’t have a clue on how to prevent disease. The overwhelming majority of information provided to these very intellectual individuals in medical school is the solution to every problem dedicated to fighting disease results from one word: pharmaceuticals. 

For example, if Susie has a acid reflux, give her a specific drug. Or if Grandpa Joe keeps forgetting what he did ten minutes ago, then prescribe him the newest. fanciest, most heavily marketed Alzheimer’s drug on the market. Meanwhile, the physicians completely miss the point. Instead of these physicians writing prescriptions to ‘fix’ the problem, wouldn’t it be more useful to find out why Susie has acid-relux to being with, or trying to investigate on why Grandpa Joe keeps forgetting where he is? Those concerns are never addressed by the medical profession. What these traditional doctors seem to forget is that humans were designed by God and the human body is the greatest antibiotic ever created. While drugs only temporarily fix the symptom, they don’t address what caused these individuals to become sick to begin with.  

Andreas Moritz’s book on Alzheimer’s addresses many different ways to attack this horrible disease. I can confirm that everything he states in his book can be confirmed through other sources of study. Everything provided in this blog are quotes directly from his book. His book is based on research and studies. Therefore since this book is very credible, I wanted to pick out pieces of the book that I wanted to distribute to the masses. Below is the summary of his book. I have also added links on some topics. There are many other links I could have added to supplement this information, but I wanted to keep this blog condensed as much as possible without leaving out too much information. 

Chapter 1- The Truth About Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s is not a normal form of aging, nor is it a mental disease

Numerous studies have demonstrated that the success rate of pharmaceutical drugs is low enough to render them no more effective than a placebo. Drug companies now fund the vast majority of research studies in the world. Therefore they have a dramatic conflict of interest (drug companies selecting very healthy patients to test their drugs instead of elderly sick patients who need the drugs, publishing only the most successful studies and not publicizing the least successful studies, etc). 

While many over the age of 70 experience a decline in their mental facilities, it is not inevitable. Every cell in the human body ages, but a healthy and functioning body can continue to repair itself sufficiently. It is only when normal injury and decay reach a critical threshold- as a result of a poor lifestyle, toxic overload, stress or a number of other factors- that restorative ability ceases, and deterioration becomes rapid. 

One main reason for the decline in Alzheimer’s patients is a build-up in the brain of a protein called beta-amyloid. Accumulated as a result of inflammation, it aggravates and damages nerve and brain cells, causing their destruction. Contributing to this inflammation is a range of factor including:

o   Poor nutrition, 
o   Lack of exercise, 
o   Accumulation of heavy metals (aluminum, mercury, etc.) 
o   Artificial food additives, 
o   Other environmental poisons. 

Beta amyloid plaques do not simply show up out of nowhere, invade the brain and start clogging its tissues. They are not the cause of the disease, merely the symptom of the numerous problems addressed above. Their formation is the body’s attempt to heal itself.

Chapter 2- Causes of Alzheimer’s
A Spanish man recently passed away at 114. He used to ride his bicycle and tend to his family orchids until he 102. He was survived among others by his 101 year old brother. They lived an active, healthy and productive lifestyle. 

A 2006 study from the American Journal of Medicine reported that healthy people in their 70’s who can briskly walk at a quarter mile have a lower risk of disability. Other studies confirm that walking regularly (at least three times per week) can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. 

Mental exercises such as memory tests, crossword puzzles or playing a musical instrument also positively impact brain chemistry and starve off Alzheimer’s disease. A study from the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people over age 75 enjoyed a lower occurrence of Alzheimer’s simply by participating in activities such as playing cards, solving puzzles, learning a musical instrument, or reading.

Emotional baggage, spiritual bankruptcy and an unhealthy lifestyle are a deadly cocktail (or prescription) for disease, including Alzheimer’s. Spiritual bankruptcy is losing our connection to our spiritual source. When we move too far away from it, it ultimately leads to loss of well-being or sickness.  

The stress of unresolved emotional or spiritual conflict can have an extremely detrimental effect on the body. Conversely, the inner peace brought about by positive, balanced outlook can be extremely beneficial to your health. 

According to Dr. Rashid Buttar, “based on the evidence, every single chronic insidious disease process is related to one word: toxicity. You cannot address the issues of aging unless you address detoxification… Five years ago, I wouldn’t have said this; even a year ago, I wouldn’t have said this.”

All chronic disease is toxicity. Conventional medicine is just covering your eyes so you don’t see the fire. 

One of the most important detoxification methods is to cleanse the liver, gallbladder and other digestive organs. If these are organs are not functioning properly, then they are fundamentally limited in their ability to rid poisons from the body. For more information on liver and gallbladder flushes, refer to Andreas book- The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.

The Dangers of Mercury
Eliminating mercury from the body is therefore a sure-fire way to treat one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Bhuttar’s metaphor is that you can fight the flames of (symptoms of disease) but you will never be safe until you put out the spark that caused the fire (mercury toxicity.) 

Another primary source of mercury poisoning is the dangerous cocktail of vaccines. Many vaccines are already well-known as triggers for autism in children, largely due to the mercury based compound, thimerosal, used as a preservative. Thimerosal has been illegal in many countries for over 20 years, but it is not outlawed in the United States. In 1977, one Russian study found that adults exposed to mercury were more likely to suffer from brain damage many years later. Countries that have banned thimerosal  include Denmark, Austria, Japan the United Kindom, Sweden, Norway and Finland. 

Sunscreen – Not as Healthy as You Think
We switched off our brains a long time ago, when we began to buy into Big Pharma’s propaganda. Imagine having us believe that one of the most natural and magical elements on earth- sunlight – is our enemy! The cosmetics industry has been laughing at us – all of the way to the bank- ever since it convinced us that sunscreens were important for our health. They told us that sunscreens would protect us against developing cancer by preventing harmful ultraviolet light in sunshine from falling our skin. And we believed them!

 Why is ultraviolet light so important to our health? Sunlight is the only catalyst for the synthesis of the all-important Vitamin D in our body. By blocking sunlight from our skin, it weakens our immune system and increases the chances of developing a host of diseases, including Alzheimer’s. 

We have Big Pharma to thank for its assault on cholesterol production. Although the brain accounts for only 2% of the body’s weight, it contains 25% of the body’s total cholesterol, which is essential for the neurological health in general. 

Both cholesterol and Vitamin D reduce inflammation and provide potent disease-fighting benefits. Lack of either one of them can have serious consequences, including a heightened risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a scientist at MIT wrote “that depletion of sulfate supply to the brain is another important contributor to Alzheimer’s disease.” When someone is deficient in cholesterol sulfate, muscle and fat cells are more prone to damage. Deficiency in cholesterol sulfate leaves tissues vulnerable to a downward spiral of damage. Over time, this progressive erosion of precious brain matter is likely to manifest as Alzheimer’s disease. So it should come to no surprise that one study directly comparing Alzheimer’s patients showed drastically reduced levels of LDL cholesterol (you know, the one Big Pharma tells you is the bad kind), with the worst deficiencies showing up in the most severe Alzheimer’s cases. 

In addition to blocking essential cholesterol sulfate production, sunscreens inhibit the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D- and there is no denying that Vitamin D is directly linked to brain health. Good Vitamin D levels can reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, optimize brain function and protect brain cells. In one study, Alzheimer’s patients showed dramatic improvement in their symptoms by increasing their Vitamin D levels.

So whenever possible, simply spend time outside- 20 to 30 minutes of sun exposure daily. 

Fluoride What You Don’t Know Could Poison You  \
How can something that is important to dental health put one at risk at Alzheimer’s? Remember, pharmaceutical companies are not really concerned with your health.

A growing body of research strongly indicates that fluoride is damaging to the brain. Two-dozen studies have demonstrated a link between fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children. Several more have found that neurobehavioral development in children and neurological damage in fetuses. Overall, the risks are clear: children exposed to fluoride are at high risk for neurological impairments.

Researchers concluded that fluoride is linked to depressed melatonin production and that it can contribute to an accelerated onset of puberty.

Fluoride contributes to the formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which are symptomatic of Alzheimer’s disease.

For more information on Fluoride go to:

Aluminum is Bad for Your Brain
Neuropathologist Dr. Daniel Perl wrote, “the accumulation of heavy metals such as aluminum may play a role in the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some of the biggest sources of aluminum toxicity are personal care products. Topping the list are deodorants and antiperspirants, usually in the form of aluminum chloride and aluminum zirconium. Much of our cookware has aluminum in it. 

For more information on aluminum go to:

Technology- A Convenient Hazard
EMF (Electromagnetic fields) cell-phone usage has a slew of harmful effects. There is plenty of evidence that exposure to radiation from cell phones is harmful and can cause a number of diseases, including cancer.

In September 2007, the European Environmental Agency issued warnings to all EU citizens, advising them to stop using Wi-Fi citing fears it would become the next public health disaster on the level of tobacco smoking, asbestos, and lead poisoning

Most users of cell phones and other wireless devices have no idea what low radiation can do to them, since it isn’t tangible. 

For more information on the dangers of WiFI go to

Could Your Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Instead be a B12 Deficiency
If you suspect that you or someone close to you may be experiencing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, check your (or their) Vitamin B12 levels. The symptoms between Alzheimer’s and Vitamin B12 deficiency are unbelievably similar, even considered identical. Vitamin B12 deficiency becomes more common as people age, and neurological damage associated with a deficiency of this essential nutrient was recorded as early as 1902. 

Brain lesions and other Alzheimer’s like symptoms can be completely cured if the individual undergoes Vitamin B12 replacement therapy. Vitamin B12 is completely safe. 

Our Sugar Addiction is Killing Us
Biology directly links sugar consumption to Alzheimer’s disease. Studies in mice show that mice fed sugar water in contrast to regular water gained 20% more weight than the control group. They also developed high cholesterol and insulin resistance, tested lower on memory retention, and learning tests and showed more than twice the amount of amyloid plaques in their brains than did the mice in the control group.  

The Truth about LDL Cholesterol and Statins

LDL cholesterol might actually be good for you.  It is an essential fat that can help keep your brain functioning properly and protect aging brains from developing Alzheimer’s disease. 

A study performed at Columbia University’s Taub Institute demonstrated that among 1,100 adults over age 65, higher levels of cholesterol were linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s. 

Overproduction of cholesterol is certainly harmful, but correcting overproduction should be corrected naturally by dietary and lifestyle habits.

The most widely prescribed class of drugs used to lower cholesterol levels is statins. These statin drugs have serious side effects. Most often experienced among them are – liver damage, memory loss and confusion, muscle weakness and type 2 diabetes. They also inhibit the production of the all-important Vitamin D. 

For more information on statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) go to:

Stress hormones appear to rapidly exacerbate the formation of those beta-amyloid plaques and brain lesions are associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Stress management is an essential part of maintaining good health into one’s “silver years.” 

Chronic stress also affects your brain by releasing powerful neurotransmitters such as cortisol. Cortisol affects systems throughout your body and raises your heart rate. Blood flow may increase 300 to 400 percent. The best way to reduce cortisol production is to minimize stress as much as possible. Inverted hangs or headstands stimulate greater blood flow to the your brain, and that means more circulation and more oxygen to your brain. 

Over long periods of time, this stress can take a significant toll on your health. So when an individual cannot come to grips with an event or emotion that causes them a great deal of stress, anger, resentment or guilt, they are contributing to their body’s dysfunction. 

Incorporating stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, quiet activities like reading or listening to soothing music, or even breathing deeply now and then can make a big difference to your overall long-term health and well-being. 

Don’t be a couch potato! Like other parts of the body, the brain needs exercise to maintain its usefulness and clarity. Consider a hobby that challenges your mind, such as chess, playing or musical instrument or painting. Not only will these help reduce your stress levels, but will stimulate your brain in positive ways. Your mind will thank you for years to come! 

The Importance of Good Sleep
Chronic sleep deprivation is more closely linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease than you think. Dr. Yoel Ju of Washington University School of Medicine noted in a study, “Disrupted sleep appears to be associated with the built up of amyloid plaques, a hallmark member of Alzheimer’s disease.” 

Are You Getting Enough Sunlight?
Vitamin D, the all important nutrient whose synthesis in your body spends solely on ultraviolet days in sunlight. Research suggests that sunlight helps with the prevention, and even elimination of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain.  

Lack of Vitamin D has long been suspected to play a role in both Alzheimer’s as well as other worrisome, age-related memory problems. A study conducted by scientists at Tohoku University in Japan found that the removal of beta-amyloid plaques from the brain depends on Vitamin D. 

Shockingly, an estimated 95% of all elderly people in the US may be deficient in Vitamin D- that is, 10% more than the general public, which is about 85%. As if you needed another reason to enjoy some sunshine!

Chapter 3- Preventing Alzheimer’s Before It Hits
Researchers discovered that the biggest modifiable risk for Alzheimer’s development include low education, smoking, physical inactivity, depression, midlife hypertension, midlife obesity and diabetes. These individual factors when linked to 17.2 million cases of Alzheimer’s around the world – 51% of the worldwide population.

What Are the Risk Factors?
Risk factors fall into a few categories- environmental, consumption and lifestyle

Environmental Risk Factors
Environmental risk factors include toxins in the air such as pollution, harmful aluminum and mercury in personal care products such as cookware, cleaning products and other household items, and electromagnetic pollution from technology such as cell phones. 

Consumption Risk Factors
Consumption risk factors include things such as poor diet, vitamin deficiencies and pharmaceutical medications

Lifestyle Risk Factors
Lifestyle risk factors include lack of exercise, chronic sleep deprivation, stress and depression. 

First Steps
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish led to a major slowing of the progression of Alzheimer’s symptoms. 

Microwave Ovens
Russian researchers have found decreased nutritional value, cancer-creating compounds and brain-damaging radiolytics in virtually all microwave prepared food. Eating microwave prepared meals can also cause loss of memory and concentration, emotional instability, and a decline in intelligence, according to the research.

Microwaves rip apart molecular bonds that make food nourishing. The frantic friction destroys the molecular structure of the food, the body cannot help but turn into waste- not harmless waste, but nuclear waste. 

For more information on microwaves, go to:

Ditch Your Fancy Cookware
One major source of everyday chemical exposure is cookware. Both aluminum and non-stick cookware are among the most popular options currently on the market. And both of them are heavy offenders when it comes to leaching dangerous metals and toxins into food as you cook.

Non-stick cookware like Teflon contains dangerous synthetic chemical known as PFOA. In various animal studies, PFOA has been shown to cause changes in major organs like the brain, liver and kidneys. 

Stainless steel cookware also contains a toxic brew of many different metal alloys, including lead, aluminum, copper, etc. all of these toxins may leach into your food during cooking and exposing you to dangerous toxins.

Aluminum foil can also leach harmful metals into your food through the cooking process.

The best way to prevent the problems associated with conventional pots and pans in favor of non-toxic options such as ceramic or stone cookware. They do not release any chemicals or gases during cooking.

Since 1985, I have been using Surgical Stainless Steel Waterless Cookware for all of my cooking. 

Chapter 4- The Importance of Diet In Alzheimer’s Prevention
“Garbage in, Garbage out” is a computer programming term but the same logic applies to human health. Garbage in when applied to wellness could have lasting detrimental effects- disease, diminished quality of life, and even less than a healthy disposition. Yet most people persist with- or rather choose- toxic lifestyles. As a result of this garbage in, their bodies get clogged up, tissues and organs get inflamed, and their brains and body become damaged. 

Are You Drinking Enough Water?
The human body is 75% water. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and regulate all the functions of the body, we need water. Drinking enough water will assist the body to keep you healthy, keep your mind alert, prevent fatigue and keep disease at bay.

Dehydration puts undue stress on the body’s organs, and causes the blood to thicken, slowing blood flow and, in turn, preventing critical areas of the body (like the brain) from getting enough oxygen through blood circulation. Dehydration also prevents the body from adequately detoxifying itself, and thereby causing more toxic build-up.  

Our goal is to drink around 64 ounces per day. You should have enough water to turn your urine a light or pale yellow.

Beverages with added sugar drastically raise blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of such beverages results in chronic dehydration- which is a common factor in every toxicity crisis or disease condition.

Most patients today suffer from thirst disease, a progressive state of dehydration in certain parts of the body. Unable to remove toxins from these areas due to insufficient water supply, the body is faced with the consequences of their destructive effects.

Those who have lived for many years without proper water intake are most likely to succumb to the build-up of toxins in the body. Chronic disease is always accompanied by dehydration and, in many cases, caused by dehydration. 

Whenever there is cellular dehydration, metabolic waste products are retained, causing symptoms that resemble disease. A dehydrated  also feels listless and tires easily.

Taking pain-relieving medication such as antihistamines or antacids cause irreversible damage to the body. They do not address the real problem (which may be dehydration). If the body produces pain out of its own accord (not caused by an injury), this should first be interpreted as a cry for water. When pain in unbearable, the use of painkillers may be unavoidable.

Dehydration of The Brain
Water deficiency in brain tissue reduces its energy supply, thereby depressing many of its vital functions- hence the word depression. With a low level of brain energy, we are unable to meet our personal and social challenges.

High blood pressure is a common experience among people who are dehydrated. 

Dehydration, Toxicity and the Kidneys
Alzheimer’s is a disease of chronic toxicity that puts the brain under stress to cause it to deteriorate at a rate that is more rapid than normal aging. Dehydration that leads to poor kidney and digestive functions is a key part of this downward spiral. Not only does it reduce the body’s natural ability to rid itself of dangerous toxins, but it also reduces the body’s ability to properly absorb essential nutrients from foods. 

The main functions of the kidneys are to keep the blood pure and healthy. The kidneys make a tremendous effort to filter and remove toxic substances from the body such as lead, mercury and other pollutants. Congestion in the kidneys may result when the body is either dehydrated or fatigued. When kidneys are incapable of sufficiently separating urine from the blood, a part of the urine continues to circulate throughout the body. 

The Importance of Regular Cleanses
To minimize the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, it is important that you first cleanse your system. I recommend a regular cleanses of the colon, liver, gallbladder and kidneys. These cleanses will rid your body of congestion and inflammation, which is where all disease begins. 

Toxicity builds up in our bodies over time. Overconsumption of processed food, soft drinks and animal proteins; exposure to harmful chemicals; lack of sleep; dehydration; overwhelming stress and emotional conflict- your cells, tissues and organs become congested and suffocated. Under these circumstances, the organs of your body, including your brain, begin to drown in toxic waste, finding it impossible to perform their myriad of functions. 

Can Alzheimer’s Really Be Controlled by Good Nutrition?
Extensive research confirms that good nutrition can prevent just about any chronic disease including Alzheimer’s. A diet loaded with carbohydrates and sugars, increases triglycerides in the body, which are deposited as fat cells during middle age. Individuals with these diets are much more likely to be overweight.

Research published in the journal Neurology confirms that those who eat omega-3 fatty acids are much less likely to contract Alzheimer’s. in adds that consumption of vitamins B, C, D and E makes a big difference in maintaining a sharp cognitive ability well into the autumn of one’s life. The study demonstrated that those who had lower levels of Vitamins B, C, D, and E tested lower than their counterparts on measures of cognitive ability and memory. It also showed that those who are high in trans fat- found in processed, fried or fast food, as well as margarine- scored lower on mental tests than those who ate fewer trans fats and were more likely to suffer from the brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s.

B Vitamins
A study from Oxford University reported that high dosages of B vitamins can significantly slow brain damage and progression of dementia. This is because B vitamins have been shown to lower levels of the protein homocyseine, an amino acid associated with Alzheimer’s.

In one study patients were given 15X the standard daily dose of Vitamin B6, 4X or the standard daily dose of Vitamin B9, and 300X the standard daily dose of Vitamin B12 and patients were compared to a placebo group. Researchers found that the patients in the placebo group shrunk twice as much as those in the group taking high levels of Vitamin B. The good news with Vitamin B unlike some other vitamins is that you cannot overdose on this essential vitamin. 

Turmeric has been used in medicine in India for a long time. It is an anti-inflammatory supplement useful in the prevention of everything from menstrual problems to heart disease and cancer. It has long been anecdotally noted that in countries which consume a lot of turmeric in their food, such as those in China, India and Southeast Asia, have incredibly low rates of Alzheimer’s. For example, in India, less than 3% of the adults over 65 suffer from the disease. (In the U.S., that number is 10%.) Numerous studies confirm that turmeric can help inhibit and even eliminate beta-amyloid plaques that result from degeneration of the brain. (Cumin and Sage have benefits too.)

Cinnamon according to Tel Aviv University may hold an important key to the prevention of Alzheimer’s. The study concluded that cinnamon bark may help to inhibit brain plaques that result from Alzheimer’s. Most nutritionists recommend between 500 and 1000 milligrams per day. 

Rosemary functions as an antioxidant that fights free radical damage in brains. Rosemary is also a potent detoxifier aiding the digestive system and helping to neutralize and remove toxins from the body to create a stage of overall health. Rosemary can also reduce inflammation throughout the body. 

Dark Roasted Coffee
Research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease reports that a natural chemical compound in coffee works with the caffeine to prevent the development and progression of Alzheimer’s. Data analysis shows that those who drank coffee moderately in midlife had a lower risk of Alzheimer’s. that those who had drank no coffee. Incredibly, those who drank 3-5 cups of coffee daily enjoyed a 65% lower chance of developing Alzheimer’s. 

Blueberries can help prevent cognitive decline. A study from the University of Reading in England indicated that over three short weeks, they noticed improvements in patients in cognitive ability. This was due to the high occurrence of potent antioxidant flavonoids in blueberries. (Strawberries and apples also share some of the benefits from flavonoids as blueberries.)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Many people have low levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, they are more prone to neurological diseases that affect memory and cognition, including Alzheimer’s. Increases in psychiatric diseases, including Alzheimer’s have been definitely to dietary deficiencies in DHA.

Omega 3 is simply essential for brain function. DHA helps brain cell membranes work properly. Studies in Japan have demonstrated improved behavior and speech, and lower levels of depression in people with Alzheimer’s as a result of taking omega-3 supplements. 

Other Helpful Fatty Acids
Another essential fatty acid that gives brain fluidity to brain cell membranes and helps to keep the brain in order is known as phosphatidylesrine (PS). As we age our levels of PS began to decline. PS can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It even helps facilitate waste removal from the brain, resulting in less toxic build-up in precious brain tissue. 

PS has been demonstrated to reverse age-related memory loss in clinical studies. In one study, patients suffering from Alzheimer’s received supplements of 100 milligrams of POS over the course of three months. As a result, their condition improved. Another study found even greater neurological and psychological benefits when Alzheimer’s patients received 400 milligrams daily. Be sure to choose a soy-derived PS supplement rater than a bovine-derived one, for maximum benefits. 

Something Fishy
Findings suggest that regular consumption of baked or broiled fish (not fried) on a weekly basis was indeed beneficial for gray matter preservation in those key areas of the brain that are targeted by Alzheimer’s disease. 

Nature’s Miracle Remedy- Astaxanthin 
Research published in the American Journal of Cardiology demonstrates that daily supplementation with astaxanthin can indeed inhibit progressive damage that leads to neurodegeneration and dementia. This super nutrient has powerful antioxidant properties that reduce chronic inflammation and lower blood pressure by allowing heart vessels to relax. This improves overall blood flow throughout the body

Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition confirms that supplementation with asttaxanthin can greatly reduce the development and progression of Alzheimer’s. consider supplementing your daily diet with 4-16 milligrams of this powerful antioxidant. 

Vitamin E – Dual Advantage
Vitamin E can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to preventing Alzheimer’s. One study performed over a 6-year period indicated that those with high levels of Vitamin E in their blood were 55% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. This is due to Vitamin E’s powerful antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E is also known as tocopheral and has two main types of isomers- (1) alpha tocopherol and (2) gamma tocopherol. These two isomers need to work together for the biggest benefit. Most vitamin supplements contain only alpha tocopherol. Gamma is found in nuts, seeds and oils. 

Other Herbs, Foods and Supplements
There are many potent superfoods around that help with Alzheimer’s prevention that are identified below:
o   Niacinamide- (Vitamin B3), 
o   Oiligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), 
o   Alpha Liporic Acid (ALA), 
o   Tulsi, Herbal Teas, 
o   Silica,
o   Huperzine, 
o   Acetyl-L-Carnitine 

Chapter 5- Exercise, Lifestyle and Alzheimer’s Prevention 
There is an old saying that goes, “Those who don’t find time for exercise will have to find time for disease.” Research published in the journal Laucet Neurology identified six of the most important modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s by analyzing dozens of Alzheimer’s studies from around the world. They found that the most influential factors linked to developing Alzheimer’s are:
o   Low education
o   Smoking
o   Physical inactivity 
o   Depression
o   Hypertension 
o   Midlife obesity 

An Australian study reported that people with mild memory problems enjoyed enhanced cognitive function by simply walking for 50 minutes, three times per week. Another study through Archives of Internal Medicine indicated that as participants exercised more and used more energy, their rate of cognitive decline significantly decreased. Another study found that moderate exercise, such as strength training, yoga, during middle age lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s by an incredible 39%. Later in life, exercise dropped the risk by 32%. 

 In fact, older people already experiencing cognitive impairment found that people who participated in high intensity aerobic exercise was enough to stop neurodegeneration in its tracks and even improve brain function after the onset of symptoms. The authors of the study wrote, “Six months of … regular exercise of increased heart rate was sufficient to improve cognitive performance.” The bottom line according to studies is that it is never too late for  exercise. 

How Exercise Recharges Your Brain
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. Brain cells begin to die with poor circulation. The improved blood flow to the brain also helps in the removal of accumulated environmental toxins that can build up. 

Exercise Your Brain
Brain-stimulating activities that elderly people like to indulge in, such as reading books, playing chess, playing a musical instrument, learning a second language, taking classes at a community college, etc. can have a huge impact on the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s. Like any other organ in the body, the brain needs to be used or it will simply weaken. 

Researchers have found that a person who remained cognitively active in old age is nearly three times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than someone of the same age who does not stimulate their brain on a regular basis. An unused brain begins to deteriorate and lose essential connections. 

APOE4 gene
People with the APOE-4 gene have a higher risk of contracting Alzheimer’s than those who don’t carry the gene. 

Vaccines: Storm in a Syringe
Vaccines are one among a host of other factors- environmental, dietary, lifestyle, etc. 

For more information go to:


Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep 
Sleep is one of our body’s most important functions. Sleep deprivation can aggravate inflammation. Our sleep cycle is governed by a hormone called melatonin, which induces sleepiness and helps us sleep at night. Irregular sleep patterns or poor melatonin production make us vulnerable to undue stress. Science has confirmed that chronic sleep loss is especially connected, both directly and indirectly, to an earlier onset of Alzheimer’s. 

Chapter 6- Curing Alzheimer’s after Onset
While all of the options addressed above help prevent Alzheimer’s, these same tools can also be used to help the body for those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. 

Nutritional Therapy Can Treat Alzheimer’s
Scientists at MIT performed a study that demonstrated a particular combination of completely natural nutrients can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. The study that was published by the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia, sought to show how targeted nutritional therapies can enhance the ability of Alzheimer’s patients to function normally and improve memory.

The combination of nutrients, which included uridine, choline and omega-3 fatty acid DHA, was found to stimulate the growth of new brain connections, thereby improving memory and cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients. MIT researchers performed a clinical trial over a period of three months with the help of 225 patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. The patients were given a mixture of the nutrients in liquid form. 

Amazingly, nearly half of the research subjects who received the nutrients drink demonstrated vastly improved memory and cognitive function when tested. That makes uridine, choline and omega-3 DHA fatty acids potent assistants in dealing with Alzheimer’s. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid
ALA is a powerful antioxidant that is not only impressive in preventing Alzheimer’s, but incredibly effective at combating the disease after its onset. In one study, patients who received 600 milligrams of ALA daily over the course of one year showed stabilization in their cognitive function. 

Caffeine Can Help Sure
Research at the University of South Florida on lab mice genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s demonstrated that caffeine therapy is enough to not only stop, but also actually reverses cognitive impairment. (Avoid sugar not caffeine.) 

Coconut Oil: Nature’s Alzheimer’s Miracle
It is regarded as a healing food in many cultures. The recommended dosage according to Alzheimer’s studies is 5 tablespoons per day of extra virgin coconut oil. However for maintenance, three or fewer tablespoons is recommended.

For those of you who wanted to further your education with information on Alzheimer’s by a medical physician, I am currently reading a book by Dr. Dale Bredsen called, “The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.” The book is very detailed and it substantiates Moritz’s book and even builds upon it.  So if the topic of Alzheimer’s interests you, then that may be a good second resource. If you are consumed with the opinions of medical doctors to provide you with accurate information, you can also follow Dr. Joseph Mercola through Twitter for daily tweets to enhance your overall health and wellness. 

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your health.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

What has caused the moral decline, decay and polarization in America today??

‘Low-energy’ Jeb Bush said during the Republican debates in 2016 that America’s best days are ahead of her. My initial thought when I heard him say that was either he either smoking the crack, or he was incredibly clueless. Why has America declined from a nation of rules, laws and civility to a nation today full of violence, hate and ignorance? There are multiple reasons for that, but it simply comes down to one thing. The major issue in America today all falls back to the moral collapse of America and people turning their back to God. Many Americans now believe that God, and specifically Jesus Christ, is not relevant anymore in American society. The actions of our government beginning in 1962 are what set forth a chain of events that have lead many Americans becoming bankrupt both morality and spirituality. It is obvious to everyone, both to devout Christians and the pagan left that our country is experiencing a great polarization and anger between the right and left. The Supreme Court since the 1960’s have changed the law of the land that has destroyed the fabric that our founders have outlined for every American. Below is a summary of those US Supreme Court cases.

US Supreme Court decisions
These are just some of the court cases in our nation that steady erosion of religious rights imposed by the courts in recent years and its lasting effects. Kudos must be given to pastor Dr. Missler providing the summary on these court cases.

Engle vs. Vitale (1962)
Landmark US Supreme Court case that determined that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools.

Abingdon School District vs. Schempp (1963)
US Supreme Court case in which the Court declared school-sponsored Bible reading in public schools in the United States to be unconstitutional.

Since Engle vs. Vitale, and Abingdon School District vs. Schempp, decisions in 1962 and 1963, which banned teacher lead prayer and Bible reading in public school, the US Supreme Court has laid the foundation where everyone has an open invitation to be hostile to people of faith people and traditional moral values.  It is my personal belief that almost immediately once the courts removed the Bible from our citizens and educational system, our nation began a state of moral decline that we will probably never recover from.

Southern vs. Jubinsky- (1965)
Freedom of Speech and Press is guaranteed to students and unless the topic is religious, and then such speech becomes unconstitutional.

Reed vs. Van Hoven- (1965)
If a student prays at his lunch, it is unconstitutional for the student to pray aloud.

DeSpain vs. Kalb County School District- (1967)
It is unconstitutional for Kindergarten students to recite, “We thank you for the flowers so sweet, we thank you for the food we eat, we thank you for the birds that sing, we thank you for everything”. The word God isn’t even in that, but someone may THINK it’s a prayer.

Lowe v. City of Eugene- (1969)
It is unconstitutional for a war memorial to be erected in the shape of a cross.

State Board of Educ. v. Board of Educ. of Netcong- (1970)
It is unconstitutional for students to arrive at school early to hear a student volunteer to read prayers offered by the Chaplains of the US House of Representatives and Senate.

Roe vs. Wade- (1973)
US Supreme Court legalized the killing on unborn babies, resulted in the death of 60+ million defenseless infants. Most in 1973 considered abortion to be a violation of every standard of morality and decency. The court disregarded completely the will of the electorate.

State of Ohio vs. Wishner- (1976)
Unconstitutional for the Board of Education to use or refer to the word God in any of its official writings.  

Florey vs. Sioux Falls School District- (1979)
Unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to ask during a school assembly whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas.

Stone vs. Graham- (1980)
US Supreme Court prohibiting public schools from displaying 10 Commandments on their bulletin board, despite these 10 Commandments are on the wall of the Supreme Court building.

Edwards vs. Aguillard- (1987)
US Supreme Court rejected a Louisiana law that required schools that teach evolution to also teach Creation Science. Evolution is a conjecture with no evidence to support it. Creationism is an alternative conjecture. So the Biblical view is NOT allowed but the make-believe view is allowed to be taught.

Roberts v. Madigan - (1990)
It is unconstitutional for a public schoolroom library to contain books about Christianity, or for a teacher to be seen with a personal copy of the Bible while at school.

Lee vs. Wiseman- (1992)
US Supreme Court said that public schools officials could not include prayer as a part of a graduation ceremony and cannot specifically select a religious participant to say a prayer during a graduation ceremony.

Romer vs. Evans- (1996)
Struck down the initiative passed by the people of Colorado that would have prohibited the passage of special rights (as opposed to civil rights) to homosexuals. US Supreme Court gave special rights to homosexuals. Justice Kennedy said that homosexuals should receive special rights over everybody else. These homosexuals have given special rights that have succeeded from the electorate. The court trivialized a moral convictions held by Jews and Christians for centuries. The minute you start giving special people special rights, they have seceded from the electorate.

Even those considered to be respected Christians are making anti-Biblical statements. Check this out:

In October 1996, The Pope’s declaration to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences “new knowledge is confirmed that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is more than a hypothesis”. He eludes to a growing scientific consensus of evolution. There was a day when the Pope was the social voice on the planet. And here he is joining the voice of this nonsense. This is the Pope saying these things!

The American youth have been disenfranchised from their Christian heritage. We now have now three generations of graduates who have been subjected to the Godless philosophies of our schools. Children from this background are becoming the parents, teachers, political leaders, the main stream media, actors, entertainers, business people, and they are ignorant of the great moral and religious strengths of our country. Therefore they are unable to impart these facts to the next generation. What are the results? One of the most disturbing things about this is the duplicity of our media. Our main-stream media, aka, #FAKENEWS, takes pride in the ability to form public opinion rather than to inform it; they are prostitutes. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and to an extent even FoxNews are all guilty.

Quotes from our Founding Fathers and influential leaders:
In 1772, Samuel Adams said: "The rights to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, the rights of the Colonists as Christians may best be understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament."

In 1776, The Declaration of Independence said: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men. There are two points. First, men’s rights come from God our creator. Our rights are not given to us by government. Second, the purpose of the government is to preserve those rights given to us by God. 

In 1777, the first Continental Congress appropriated funds to import for the people 20,000 Holy Bibles as “the great political book of the Patriots.” Can you imagine our government spending money for 20,000 Holy Bibles today?  I didn’t think so either.

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God." - George Washington (1787) Constitutional Convention.

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. – Thomas Jefferson

“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the affairs of Men.” - Ben Franklin (1787) Constitutional Convention.  

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” – George Washington (1789) Thanksgiving address

“This nation was not founded by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ” – Patrick Henry

“The only book that deserves international attention is the Bible.” - John Quincy Adams
“It is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” - John Jay (1st chief Justice of the United States)

“The Bible is the rock on which the Republic rests.” – Andrew Jackson

“There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation.” - Robert E. Lee

Supreme Ct 1892- Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of The Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian… These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.

Now that we have a good idea of what our early American leaders thought, what is the result of government and judges and other government leaders actions removing God from our lives? In a period of 30 years through to the 1990s’ from when the Bible was removed from the public schools, there were a total of 84 indicators that are going the wrong way. Here are just a few:

·         The rise of teenage pregnancy up 556%,

·         Rise of venereal disease up 226%,

·         Family divorced had declined for 15 years prior to 1962-63. It has increased up to triple every year since.

·         SAT scores were stable but the federal government had to change the standards to mask the embarrassing results. The thing that audits them are the homeschoolers.  Homeschoolers are always the top 10-20%. Of the homeschoolers within that group, the ones that do the worst are the ones that have state certified parents.

We have a moral decay in this country. Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama are not the cause of moral decay, they are the symptom and sad consequences of it. And as our country continues to turn further away from God, perverted politicians will only continue to be elected by due to generations of lost souls who have no idea why they are here and that believe we are here by accident. These same groups unlike ever before see devout Christians as the moral compass of the country as the enemy. It used to be that people hid their sin; now people are prideful and boastful of it. When a group of five lawyers have changed the long-standing law for political objectives over someone’s constitutional rights, and rights that our endowed by our Creator, and someone gets arrested over it, you know our nation has problems.

America needs a wake-up call or our time as a world power will be gone. Politicians today need to follow the righteous path of what Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Franklin, Henry, Jay, etc by keeping the inherency of God’s word within our government. We need to move past this secular agenda that was started in the 1960’s, and get back to Christian principles this country was founded upon. The courts and godless politicians continue to destroy the fabric of this country that it was built on. From having Founding Fathers that were fearful of God and a government that supported these principles, to now having a government that is grossly disobedient and a government that erases these God given rights is despicable. The reason this country was founded was because a group of individuals wanted to preserve their rights as Christians and to enjoy religious freedoms. Today not only will our government deny our rights to pray and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but our former President denies to the world that we believe we are a Christian nation. He even has gone to great extent to mock Christians.  Therefore if you have ever wondered why we have so much divide in this country that we have not seen since the War of Northern Aggression, you now understand that God gives us a free will to choose Him giving us great benefits, or ignoring Him which results in destruction both presently and for eternity. 

In conclusion, we must ask the question, is this specific Bible prophecy from Isaiah given all of the perverted behavior being promoted by the media and all of that hate pointed directly at Christians being fulfilled today in our lifetime? Per Isaiah:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter- Isaiah 5:20