Saturday, August 19, 2017

What has caused the moral decline, decay and polarization in America today??

‘Low-energy’ Jeb Bush said during the Republican debates in 2016 that America’s best days are ahead of her. My initial thought when I heard him say that was either he either smoking the crack, or he was incredibly clueless. Why has America declined from a nation of rules, laws and civility to a nation today full of violence, hate and ignorance? There are multiple reasons for that, but it simply comes down to one thing. The major issue in America today all falls back to the moral collapse of America and people turning their back to God. Many Americans now believe that God, and specifically Jesus Christ, is not relevant anymore in American society. The actions of our government beginning in 1962 are what set forth a chain of events that have lead many Americans becoming bankrupt both morality and spirituality. It is obvious to everyone, both to devout Christians and the pagan left that our country is experiencing a great polarization and anger between the right and left. The Supreme Court since the 1960’s have changed the law of the land that has destroyed the fabric that our founders have outlined for every American. Below is a summary of those US Supreme Court cases.

US Supreme Court decisions
These are just some of the court cases in our nation that steady erosion of religious rights imposed by the courts in recent years and its lasting effects. Kudos must be given to pastor Dr. Missler providing the summary on these court cases.

Engle vs. Vitale (1962)
Landmark US Supreme Court case that determined that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools.

Abingdon School District vs. Schempp (1963)
US Supreme Court case in which the Court declared school-sponsored Bible reading in public schools in the United States to be unconstitutional.

Since Engle vs. Vitale, and Abingdon School District vs. Schempp, decisions in 1962 and 1963, which banned teacher lead prayer and Bible reading in public school, the US Supreme Court has laid the foundation where everyone has an open invitation to be hostile to people of faith people and traditional moral values.  It is my personal belief that almost immediately once the courts removed the Bible from our citizens and educational system, our nation began a state of moral decline that we will probably never recover from.

Southern vs. Jubinsky- (1965)
Freedom of Speech and Press is guaranteed to students and unless the topic is religious, and then such speech becomes unconstitutional.

Reed vs. Van Hoven- (1965)
If a student prays at his lunch, it is unconstitutional for the student to pray aloud.

DeSpain vs. Kalb County School District- (1967)
It is unconstitutional for Kindergarten students to recite, “We thank you for the flowers so sweet, we thank you for the food we eat, we thank you for the birds that sing, we thank you for everything”. The word God isn’t even in that, but someone may THINK it’s a prayer.

Lowe v. City of Eugene- (1969)
It is unconstitutional for a war memorial to be erected in the shape of a cross.

State Board of Educ. v. Board of Educ. of Netcong- (1970)
It is unconstitutional for students to arrive at school early to hear a student volunteer to read prayers offered by the Chaplains of the US House of Representatives and Senate.

Roe vs. Wade- (1973)
US Supreme Court legalized the killing on unborn babies, resulted in the death of 60+ million defenseless infants. Most in 1973 considered abortion to be a violation of every standard of morality and decency. The court disregarded completely the will of the electorate.

State of Ohio vs. Wishner- (1976)
Unconstitutional for the Board of Education to use or refer to the word God in any of its official writings.  

Florey vs. Sioux Falls School District- (1979)
Unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to ask during a school assembly whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas.

Stone vs. Graham- (1980)
US Supreme Court prohibiting public schools from displaying 10 Commandments on their bulletin board, despite these 10 Commandments are on the wall of the Supreme Court building.

Edwards vs. Aguillard- (1987)
US Supreme Court rejected a Louisiana law that required schools that teach evolution to also teach Creation Science. Evolution is a conjecture with no evidence to support it. Creationism is an alternative conjecture. So the Biblical view is NOT allowed but the make-believe view is allowed to be taught.

Roberts v. Madigan - (1990)
It is unconstitutional for a public schoolroom library to contain books about Christianity, or for a teacher to be seen with a personal copy of the Bible while at school.

Lee vs. Wiseman- (1992)
US Supreme Court said that public schools officials could not include prayer as a part of a graduation ceremony and cannot specifically select a religious participant to say a prayer during a graduation ceremony.

Romer vs. Evans- (1996)
Struck down the initiative passed by the people of Colorado that would have prohibited the passage of special rights (as opposed to civil rights) to homosexuals. US Supreme Court gave special rights to homosexuals. Justice Kennedy said that homosexuals should receive special rights over everybody else. These homosexuals have given special rights that have succeeded from the electorate. The court trivialized a moral convictions held by Jews and Christians for centuries. The minute you start giving special people special rights, they have seceded from the electorate.

Even those considered to be respected Christians are making anti-Biblical statements. Check this out:

In October 1996, The Pope’s declaration to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences “new knowledge is confirmed that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is more than a hypothesis”. He eludes to a growing scientific consensus of evolution. There was a day when the Pope was the social voice on the planet. And here he is joining the voice of this nonsense. This is the Pope saying these things!

The American youth have been disenfranchised from their Christian heritage. We now have now three generations of graduates who have been subjected to the Godless philosophies of our schools. Children from this background are becoming the parents, teachers, political leaders, the main stream media, actors, entertainers, business people, and they are ignorant of the great moral and religious strengths of our country. Therefore they are unable to impart these facts to the next generation. What are the results? One of the most disturbing things about this is the duplicity of our media. Our main-stream media, aka, #FAKENEWS, takes pride in the ability to form public opinion rather than to inform it; they are prostitutes. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and to an extent even FoxNews are all guilty.

Quotes from our Founding Fathers and influential leaders:
In 1772, Samuel Adams said: "The rights to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, the rights of the Colonists as Christians may best be understood by reading and carefully studying the institutions of The Great Law Giver which are to be found clearly written and promulgated in the New Testament."

In 1776, The Declaration of Independence said: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men. There are two points. First, men’s rights come from God our creator. Our rights are not given to us by government. Second, the purpose of the government is to preserve those rights given to us by God. 

In 1777, the first Continental Congress appropriated funds to import for the people 20,000 Holy Bibles as “the great political book of the Patriots.” Can you imagine our government spending money for 20,000 Holy Bibles today?  I didn’t think so either.

Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God." - George Washington (1787) Constitutional Convention.

"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. – Thomas Jefferson

“I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this Truth — That God governs in the affairs of Men.” - Ben Franklin (1787) Constitutional Convention.  

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits and humbly to implore his protection and favor.” – George Washington (1789) Thanksgiving address

“This nation was not founded by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ” – Patrick Henry

“The only book that deserves international attention is the Bible.” - John Quincy Adams
“It is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” - John Jay (1st chief Justice of the United States)

“The Bible is the rock on which the Republic rests.” – Andrew Jackson

“There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit. I am nothing but a poor sinner, trusting in Christ alone for salvation.” - Robert E. Lee

Supreme Ct 1892- Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of The Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian… These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation.

Now that we have a good idea of what our early American leaders thought, what is the result of government and judges and other government leaders actions removing God from our lives? In a period of 30 years through to the 1990s’ from when the Bible was removed from the public schools, there were a total of 84 indicators that are going the wrong way. Here are just a few:

·         The rise of teenage pregnancy up 556%,

·         Rise of venereal disease up 226%,

·         Family divorced had declined for 15 years prior to 1962-63. It has increased up to triple every year since.

·         SAT scores were stable but the federal government had to change the standards to mask the embarrassing results. The thing that audits them are the homeschoolers.  Homeschoolers are always the top 10-20%. Of the homeschoolers within that group, the ones that do the worst are the ones that have state certified parents.

We have a moral decay in this country. Bill Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama are not the cause of moral decay, they are the symptom and sad consequences of it. And as our country continues to turn further away from God, perverted politicians will only continue to be elected by due to generations of lost souls who have no idea why they are here and that believe we are here by accident. These same groups unlike ever before see devout Christians as the moral compass of the country as the enemy. It used to be that people hid their sin; now people are prideful and boastful of it. When a group of five lawyers have changed the long-standing law for political objectives over someone’s constitutional rights, and rights that our endowed by our Creator, and someone gets arrested over it, you know our nation has problems.

America needs a wake-up call or our time as a world power will be gone. Politicians today need to follow the righteous path of what Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Franklin, Henry, Jay, etc by keeping the inherency of God’s word within our government. We need to move past this secular agenda that was started in the 1960’s, and get back to Christian principles this country was founded upon. The courts and godless politicians continue to destroy the fabric of this country that it was built on. From having Founding Fathers that were fearful of God and a government that supported these principles, to now having a government that is grossly disobedient and a government that erases these God given rights is despicable. The reason this country was founded was because a group of individuals wanted to preserve their rights as Christians and to enjoy religious freedoms. Today not only will our government deny our rights to pray and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but our former President denies to the world that we believe we are a Christian nation. He even has gone to great extent to mock Christians.  Therefore if you have ever wondered why we have so much divide in this country that we have not seen since the War of Northern Aggression, you now understand that God gives us a free will to choose Him giving us great benefits, or ignoring Him which results in destruction both presently and for eternity. 

In conclusion, we must ask the question, is this specific Bible prophecy from Isaiah given all of the perverted behavior being promoted by the media and all of that hate pointed directly at Christians being fulfilled today in our lifetime? Per Isaiah:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter- Isaiah 5:20