Tuesday, February 21, 2023


The Kevin Parnella Top 10 List of International Cities 
that I would like to Visit- and you should too!

Peeps.  When you think of the name, Kevin Parnella, you think that dude is the very best Russia/Ukraine Political Analyst expert I know… unless of course you are in the unfortunate situation where you get all of your news from the American Fake News, which means you have far bigger problems than worry about who the best political analyst you know is. But today, it’s not about politics but about travel. And why is that? Because people like lists! So therefore for your edification, I have dedicated 100+ billion hours, or one hour for every US dollar of your taxpayer money sent to Ukraine, I have provided my Top 10 list of International cities that I would like to visit. Please feel free to share with your mom, your boss, or the bozo from work who hangs at the water cooler to demonstrate that you have above average intelligence regarding travel destinations.


10. Rome, Italy

When you hear about the city of Rome, many people think of the city of Rome, Georgia- the home of MTG. However in this case, I’m speaking of Rome, Italy, not Rome Georgia because for those of you who watch American news and keep falling for all of their MSM lies, our state of Georgia is not an international place, but a domestic one. As a dude of Italian descent, Rome, Italy is a place that deserves some attention and somewhat interesting to see. Giogia Meloni is the new Prime Minister and although she has issues, she’s better than most of the goons running Europe. The old medieval churches would keep you interested a bit. And I’m speculating here but when Superman fixed the Leaning Tower of Pisa, there’s a greater than zero chance that he stopped in Rome for a bite to eat for some Italian pizza, so that’s pretty cool.

9. Paris, France

French is my second language so it has always been a place of interest to me. I hear the French food is pretty good. While Paris obviously pairs in comparison to the food of New Orleans, you can’t hold that issue with anyone as no food in the world compares to New Orleans cuisine.  However the language spoke helps address this shortcoming.  Like when visiting Rome, seeing all of those old French churches is a must. Unfortunately for France like the US, their leader Emmanuel Macron is a globalist dufus that deserves a punch in the nose. However Marine LePen is one fantastic politician and if I saw her on the Champs-Élysées, I would buy her some oysters and French fries.

8. Montreal, Canada

Like Paris, the attraction to Montreal is the French speaking language. Unfortunately like with France and the US, the leader is Canada is a complete imbecile and in Trudeau’s case, the biggest girly man sissy leader in the world!  Trudeau is the kind of guy you would enjoy giving a swirlee to even at his age. He is an embarrassment to men. A Montreal Canadians game would most definitely be on the agenda if it were the season. And on the agenda would unquestionably a tour of the former MLB’s team that was stolen from existence- the tour of the home of the Montreal Expos.

7. Jerusalem, Israel

To walk where Jesus walked by the Jews who hated him and had him killed would be appropriate. But the good news for Israel is that God’s hand is always on Israel, unlike with the United States. While American sin won’t be forgiven, God is not done with Israel and Paul confirms this truth in Romans 10 and 11. While in Jerusalem, the agenda would be to check out as many monumental places from the Bible as possible. Places to see would include the sea of Galilee, visiting the Mount of Olives, and so many of the other historic places from the Bible where Jesus walked.

6. Minsk, Belarus

When an American or someone from the West is asked about the Minsk agreements, you will receive a blank deer in the headlights look as the American FakeNews never address this very important peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. And most Americans don’t even know where Minsk is. So for you Hannity and Levin apologists, Minsk is located in the lovely country of Belarus. Belarus is known as one of the most beautiful countries on God’s green earth. The good people of Minsk speak Russian so that’s a major bonus. There is apparently a good nightlife in Minsk for those of you who can attempt to disco dance like me. I have to warn you however that my dance moves are pretty legendary.

5. St. Petersburg, Russia


We have made it halfway through the list and now are at the Top 5.  St. Petersburg is a happening place for those of you who are cool. The people are like the polar opposite of Dallas people. The Russian peeps are not loud, arrogant or proud, but just keep to themselves. St. Petersburg is sometimes considered Russia’s ‘cultural capital.’ It is one of those cities that you will want to do some people watching specifically on Nevsky Avenue to best gain a pulse for the city.

4. Donetsk, Russia

The former home of my Ukrainian friend Yelena and her aunt who was killed March 14, 2022 from a Ukrainian missile attack- one of hundreds of attacks Ukraine unloaded on Donetsk from 2014 until Vladimir Putin put an end to it. Donetsk is located in Donbass area which is one of the ethnic Russian areas in what was Ukraine, until September 2022 when the Russian Referendums occurred and over 90% of the people in Donetsk voted to leave nazi Ukraine to join Russia. The reasons are obvious if you have a pulse on real news. So while I don’t know what fun things there are to do in Donetsk, the fact that I have so much compassion, and have shared so much of the hurt for these people for the violence they have had to deal from Ukraine since 2014. I would love to meet a lot of these people to hear their story, tell them about my friend and let them know that I praying for them. I cannot wait to see their future in Russia’s hands.

3. Moscow, Russia

The home of the greatest world leader in power today is somewhere that I really would love to see. Contrary to popular narrative in this country, Russians and Americans are very similar in nature. As a YouTube aficionado, I realized that most Russians love Americans. It’s very surprising considering how much hate our culture and media has for them, but it demonstrates their character. I would love to see the Kremlin and take a whiff to inhale the greatness coming from the Russian president. While I am no fan of the ballet, it would have to be a must for me to put on my best suit and to see the Bolshoi ballet in person. I would have to take in the scene at the Red Square. And of course checking out the Russian Orthodox churches is a must see. And seeing Gorky Park would be on the agenda.

2. Crimea, Russia

When you think of Crimea, you may think of the terrorist act committed by Ukraine when they blow up the bridge in Crimea in 2022. Or if you watch FakeNews, you may never have heard of their terrorist attack against the people that they claim are Ukrainian. Nevertheless, what makes Crimea a very attractive international destination are the beaches.  While they may not be on par with my Alabama beaches and don’t have the fresh oysters to consume, it is still a beautiful beach located on the Black Sea that is a totally must see. There is a very strong negative about this beach however that I feel I must bring attention to. There is very unfortunately a significant overabundance of speedos worn by the Russian dudes. So just be warned ahead of time. I’ll have to have a word with them to clean it up.

.1. Sochi, Russia

Sochi is another Russian beach city located on the Black Sea. Sochi, like Crimea, is where Russian families and others from other nations frequent for a great beach vacation. There are other entertainment options outside of the beach if you are so inclined. But for me, it's all about the beach. Sochi has over 150 km of each line for your edification. Unlike many American beaches that are X rated.


Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Russian and Ukrainian War- And The Rest of the Story

The war between Russia and Ukraine


I would like to dedicate this blog to my former best friend from 25 years ago that relocated to the US from Donetsk, Ukraine whom we will call ‘Helen’. She asked me not to use her real name because she unfortunately does not trust people nowadays. This is the kind of world we live in where someone cannot speak their mind without having fear of possible repercussions of their view. This girl who used to live at Ground Zero in Eastern Ukraine where all of this violence and death are occurring is someone who knows what is really going in over there. She still has family over there including her own mother, and other friends who can report first-hand of the reality of the what is happening in Ukraine. I met Helen in 1997 while we were co-workers at Dillard’s and we became little buddies. She moved from Donetsk, Ukraine to Dallas only a few years prior. Her cousin was also a co-worker of mine and we also worked together.  

We soon lost touch with one another as she soon took a job as computer programmer. It was interesting to me at the time that even though she was from Ukraine, she identified as Russian as that was the language that she spoke. I soon learned that Ukraine is a country made up of two nations. It’s similar to Canada in that there is an English speaking sector of Canada that is partial to Britain, and a French speaking sector of Quebec which is partial to the French culture and France. For Ukraine it has never been a unified country. Ukraine has an ethnic makeup of also have two ethnicities there. In the west and central part of Ukraine as ethnic Ukrainians. However in the east are the ethnic Russians who are fully Russian whom just live in Ukraine. It’s critical that if you are going to understand Ukraine or if you are going to offer a valid solution on the many problems of Ukraine division and background, if you don’t understand the background of Ukraine, and the culture of Ukraine, you cannot possibly have a valid solution as why there are problems there, who is to blame and how you can best solve those problems. The situation is far too complicated for Joe Schmoe, or birdbrains like Sean Hannity to comment on how to fix Ukraine without knowing the background and history of Ukraine. That would be like you bloviating in 2003 about the Iraq War and Afghanistan War by simply basing your opinion on what Hannity was saying about the war and him speculating that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. In retrospect, you sound like an ignorant fool. Don't do that here with this war please. Unfortunately most of you have done just that- basing your opinion on this Russia/Ukraine war on what the Fake News has told you what to believe. However to comprehend Ukraine, you need to understand the history and the culture of Ukraine. Sure you can listen to the Fake News media or your favorite neo con blowhard like Hannity or Levin or anybody on the left that favors the US going to war with everyone, but I hope you are smarter than that. If Hannity, Levin and others want to gain back some credibility, they should have admitted their mistakes on the US invading Iraq and Afghanistan and being an avid supporter of George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney- all scum. But they haven't done that, and now it's time to learn about Ukraine- the rest of the story.


If you want a deep dive into the history of Ukraine, Oliver Stone did a documentary called Ukraine Under Fire. That would require effort and I realize most Americans don’t have attention span of 90 minutes so I’ll cover the highlights here. The information contained in this section is primarily based on that documentary. From a historical perspective, when World War II broke out, a large part of western Ukraine’s population welcomed the German soldiers against the Soviet rule, and they openly collaborated with the Germans to fight against the United States and its allies. This group of Ukrainians had been notorious for their extreme cruelty towards the Polish, Jews and Russian people in Ukraine. They considered terror as an acceptable means to an end. Their symbolic flag was black and red, which symbolized land and blood. The leader of these Ukrainian nationalists was severely anti-Semitic. This group called the UON militia exterminated between 150,000 to 200,000 Jews on Ukrainian territory occupied by the Germans by 1941. The most notorious massacre took place on September 29 and 30, 1941 where 33,771 Jews were killed by Ukrainians and Nazis militia in that two day period in 1941. By October 1944 all of Ukraine was liberated by the Soviets against the Nazi Germany. However Nazi sympathizers continued existing in Ukraine well after the end of World War II. We will see more of this Nazi sympathizing behavior later on. On May 7, 1945 Germany surrendered to the Allies. Ukraine remained a part of the Soviet Union. This period ushered in the Cold War which lasted for nearly 45 years. The United States never lost sight of Ukraine’s importance.

US intelligence kept a close eye on Ukraine as a source for counter intelligence to use against the Soviet Union. CIA documents that just recently have been declassified show strong ties between US intelligence and Ukrainian nationalists. We now know from these documents that the US allowed these former Nazis to flee to Europe where the US helped these Ukrainian Nazi leaders hide. The Nuremberg trials brought these German Nazis to justice, but the Ukrainian Nazi leaders were spared the same fate, and some were even granted indulgences by the CIA. Stepan Bandara was one of the Ukrainian Nazi’s who escaped prosecution for his heinous crimes against the Jews. Bandera’s name will be important to remember as we move into the 21st century.

When the cold war began to wane, Ukraine nationalism started gaining momentum in the late 1980’s. Neo Nazism was again gaining momentum.  By 1991 openly Nazi messages were openly being spread in Ukraine. Oleh Tyahnybok was one of these pro-Nazi leaders in Ukraine attempting to bring neo-Nazism back to Ukraine.

Tyahnybok’s message, “purge Ukraine from the Jews and Russians.” This pro-Nazi movement attracted many followers. By August 1991, the USSR ceased to exist. Ukraine became for the first time in history independent. Chaos soon took over in all of the former Soviet republics including Ukraine. A few got rich, but many had suffered resulting from the collapse. They all then became susceptible to outside forces. In 2004 Ukraine had its first revolution during the presidential elections. Protestors clashed with police and thousands protested. Even though the protests lasted a month, it was relatively peaceful. Ukraine became a battlefield of two forces; the Russian government versus the Western governments. The west backed Viktor Yushchenko and Russia backed Viktor Yanukovich. The 2004 election results were centered around geographic lines.  Traditional Russians and Eastern Ukraine voted for Yanukovich, while western Ukraine chose Yushchenko. The map below shows the election breakdown exclusively by the cultural division in Ukraine- Russian speaking in the east, and Ukrainian speaking in the west. 

Yanukovich, the Russian choice, ultimately won the very close election, but thousands of people didn’t agree with it and they came to the central square on Kiev on the 22nd of November 2004. A new election was then announced. But this time western backed Yushchenko won the election. However Yushchenko was not successful in his first term and lost on his re-election bid. On his exit from office, he created a status of hero to a former Ukrainian Nazi Stepan Bandara from World War II. However in 2010 Viktor Yanukovich, the Russian backed candidate, was easily elected president. In 2011 Yanukovich repealed the hero status of Bandera. Another four years in his presidency however another revolution shook Ukraine. Unfortunately this revolution was anything but peaceful.

By November 2013 the Ukrainian economy was struggling and people began to become vocal about their struggles. Protestors became angry when Yanukovich refused to sign a trade deal with the EU. About this time the United States government secretly began to get involved in the Ukraine landscape. The theory that the US was peddling in the government of Ukraine is not conspiracy and this is documented  and you can conduct your own research if you wish. The US government brought in activists that promoted the American agenda, even if it was counter to the current government in charge. They began to train activists for chaos, a good George Soros technique, to fan the flames of the locals. The US began making headway with stirring up controversy in Ukraine among the citizens in Kiev. Three new television stations went on the air in Ukraine, with all of these new stations encouraging the protests to continue to bring down Yanukovich.  On November 30, 2013 the non violent persona of the protests began to change in Kiev. An order was given by the Ukrainian government for the riot police to violently attack the protestors who were already filing out of Kiev. Around that same time that the violence started, some well-trained young men or provocateurs began arrived simultaneously with the riot police. They infiltrated the crowd and began provocations with insults, stones and torches. This one group of provocateurs among many is known as the Right Sector- a Ukrainian nazi group. These neo-nazi were young men walking around with bats and medal bars. Outraged at what happened on the news, the Ukrainian people came out in full force on December 1, 2013 to vent their anger with the police actions. The neo nazi’s continued their violence and ran bulldozers into police officers. They were also throwing flaming jars of fire into the crowds. Their goal is to transform peaceful protests into full blown coup d’etat. All of this chaos of course could not be done without money. Who was paying for all of this?  Records show that the Dutch and US embassies were funding major contributors in this planned violence. Another individual funding this violence per records was of course George Soros. Victoria Nuland, the infamous windbag who admitted to little Marco Rubio in 2022  in congress that the US has invested in bioweapons in Ukraine made numerous visits to Ukraine during this time. Democratic senator Chris Murphy also visited Ukraine to make speeches to the large crowds. John McCain was another US senator making frequent trips to Ukraine during this time. McCain encouraged the Ukrainian people to challenge their government and that the US would be with them. McCain was encouraging people to turn to unrest. I wonder if that traitor McCain would encourage Americans to protest and encourage an overthrow of our pathetic US government? I don’t think that the traitor would, do you?

In February 2014 a conversation between two US diplomats was leaked. Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the ambassador to Ukraine discussed a coup d’etat. Neo cons have the unfortunate reputation of pushing for regime changes all of the world and this is something that has gone on for years. The neo cons have a lot of allies inside the American news media that continues to push their objective. The neo conservatives can now demonize the leader of a country to try and push a regime change in any country they see fit. The neo conservatives began very skilled at picking out a leader, and his ugly traits, and highlighting them. The neo cons did this with Ukraine president Yanukovich. The neo cons made Yanukovich into the devil. Then neo cons keep repeating their views and over time the American people believe the narrative on Yanukovich.

By February 2014 Ukraine was under siege with violent uprisings lead not by the peaceful protestors this time, but my hired provocateurs. Snipers were now involved in the violence. The goal was to wreak havoc and of course pro-Russian Ukraine president Yanukovich had nothing to gain from the violence. The violence was caused primarily by the opposition- or the pro Ukraine radical opposition. 14 policemen were dead and 43 more police were wounded, and 150 wounded from the gunshot wounds. It was clear that the coup d’etat had begun. The two sides between the Yankovich administration and opposition party ultimately agreed to truce. However radicals in the opposition group had no intention of fulfilling the agreement. Yankovich then realized that it didn’t matter what agreement was signed because the militant opposition wanted nothing short of Yankovich’s resignation. The coup d’etat was planned and it was inevitable. The next day Yankovich visited Kharkov, the second largest city in Ukraine. As soon as he left, both his residence and government were seized by armed people. Yankovich’s presidential vehicles were fired upon. Yankovich needed protection and he called Russian president Vladmir Putin to enter Russian territory to gain protection. Yankovich got protection and was provided assistance. On February 24, 2014 Yankovich entered Russia. At the same time, Kiev was saying its goodbye’s the victims of the massacre. Yankovich was then removed as Ukrainian president but not following the constitutional procedure for impeachment. Yankovich was impeached but the Ukrainian parliament did not receive the mandatory ¾ votes to impeach. However the US state department however said this new Ukrainian government was a legitimate government. John Kerry went over to Ukraine to congratulate the new Ukrainian government. Imagine that… our own US government officials failing to recognize the Constitution of another country?  It’s a good thing that our US officials would never disregard our own Constitution right? Thank the Lord for our wonderful president Joseph Biden, The FBI, the CIA, and our Attorney General for doing such a great job of upholding the Constitution of the United States.

Ukraine wasn’t the only former Soviet republic that was under chaos at the time. Crimea, (formerly part of Ukraine) had many who wanted to break away from Ukraine, and things rapidly were rapidly escalating. Voters in Crimea on Sunday were given the option to either join Russia or side with Ukraine. This was known as the Crimean referendum. There was no secret the Crimean people had always been pro Russia. Pro Russian demonstrations appeared all over Crimea. On March 16, 2014 the Crimean referendum was held and the people had voted to leave Ukraine overwhelmingly and enter the Russian Federation.

The results were a landslide in favor of Crimea joining the Russian Federation with over 96% of those in Crimean wanting to join the Russian Federation. However in the western media reported that the Crimea elections were being reported as a Russian invasion- SHOCKER!! The election turnout was over 90%. So in other world where a completely dishonest American media reports that Joe Biden won 81,000,000 votes with nobody in the main-stream media making a suggestion that is fraud, despite all of the evidence to support the fraud. Yet this same American media with no evidence at all is reporting that Russians stole that Crimean election, in an area where the people have always been loyal to Russia. However thousands of people in Crimea took to the streets to celebrate over the results of their election without a single shot fired. There were no protests, only thousands of very happy people in Crimea believing in democracy after a trouncing victory as you can see from below. 

In early 2014, the Donbass area in eastern Ukraine (Donbass is shown below in gray) was buzzing with protests against the new authorities in Kiev. This region with the population close to Russia geographically and culturally feared that the ultra right-wing leanings of the newly illegally formed Ukrainian government would bring neo nationalism to their lands, and they had their reasons. This Donbass region is the area where my friend Helen is from and where most of the bombings and violence has occurred. Also keep in mind this is the area of Ukraine that is very pro Russian. This area like Crimea identifies as Russian. Now ask yourself this question. Is it logical for Vladimir Putin to bomb this part of Ukraine that is loyal to him? This is what the Fake News will tell you. Or bringing your brain into play, is it more likely that Ukraine was a part of the Civil War and they were attacking this part of the country to subdue their protests? Using that brain that God gave you and please marinate on that and we’ll touch on this later.

The status of the Russian language in Ukraine has been a stumbling block for many years. In Donbass the majority of Ukrainians speak Russian. Ukrainian nationalist groups issued major protests opposing allowing Russian to be the second language of Ukraine. On February 23, 2014, the very next day after the regime change, the new government voted to stop the implantation of the Russian as the second language of Ukraine. This act by the new government alarmed those in eastern Ukraine, and people took to the streets in Donbass waiving Russian flags to show their disagreement and disgust with the Ukrainian government.

In response, pro Ukrainian groups participated in their own demonstrations. This vitriolic situation eventually lead to tragedy. On March 13, 2014 in Donetsk, Ukraine, one person died and over 50 people were wounded in clashes during the pro Russian march protesting the new government in Kiev. On April 6, the Crimean scenario began repeating in eastern Ukraine where protestors seized government buildings. On the next day, April 7th, the people in Donbass proclaimed the Donetsk People’s Republic, (DPR) essentially claiming independence from Ukraine. To reiterate this important point, eastern Ukrainians did NOT WANT TO BE A PART OF UKRAINE!  Kiev began by sending troops into Donbass. By that time, the fake news was reporting that Russia invaded Donetsk, and screaming about a Russian invasion in Ukraine. The United States government under the Obama administration had already given Ukraine over 5 billion dollars with Victoria Nuland providing this information to the media. The funds had to keep coming in, and the situation on the ground was getting more and more deadly.

By this time more and more Ukrainians outside of eastern Ukraine were turning against the new Ukrainian government. In Odessa, protests against the new regime were also starting to form. To the Ukraine government, this rebellion had to be extinguished immediately and the costs were high. On May 2, 2014, soccer fans flocked to the center of Odessa for the Ukrainian championship match. Pro nationalists also arrived in Ukraine wearing masks, carrying arms, and were chanting death of the pro Russian Ukrainians. They began disturbances in the city as they marched. These masked Ukrainians are the neo Nazis still with a stronghold within the Ukrainian government. Even Volodymyr Zelensky went on Fox News in 2022 and couldn’t deny the Nazis in Ukraine, and even advocated their violence. And there wasn’t a single pro Ukraine person in the media condemning him. Where y’at Hannity??  

Innocent victims took cover in a nearby building. The Pro Ukrainian nationalists then began throwing Molotov cocktails into the building until it was engulfed in flames. People burned to death inside and some tried to escape by jumping from the windows. By the time firefighters have arrived, the damage had been done. One pro Ukrainian nationalist group, the Right Sector, announced on their Facebook page that the death of 25 people the events of May 2 were a proud moment in national history. The ‘experts’ took a page from the Joe Biden playbook and blamed the tragedy on .. you guessed it, Vladimir Putin. 


If you lived in the 1960’s you will remember how concerned you were when the Soviets had missiles in Cuba. Americans were scared and angry. We almost went to a nuclear confrontation over how close Soviet weapons were to our borders and nation. If the United States considers Cuba to be in its backyard, then Crimea lays at Russia’s doorstep. The consequence of a NATO base in Crimea would create serious consequences for everyone.

The map tells the story. We Americans should be concerned if our enemy has missiles just over 1,000 miles from our capital. We understand that. So anybody with a brain that actually uses it should understand Putin’s and Russia’s predicament with their concern on NATO loading up Ukraine with a nuclear arsenal. Apparently Americans are either, (a) very stupid or (b) just don’t use their brain and just indulge the mindless crap being forced fed to us by our lying media. Personally I think it’s option b, in that we Americans don’t think, but like with the vaccine, we just accept what the media says as the unabashed truth. 

It’s critical we understand what happens when a country joins NATO. When a country joins NATO, there is a crucial variable that we do not think about; that country lose some of their autonomy. As soon as a country becomes part of NATO, it cannot resist pressure of the United States to do whatever we want them to do, whether they want to do it or not. Ask conservatives Britain people their opinion of the EU.  Those NATO countries are soon funded with weapons and military bases that now become a danger for anybody opposing NATO- specifically Russia that was reason NATO was created to begin with. NATO has always been anti-Russian and Russia is the #1 target of NATO. I won’t ask for a show of hands, but ask yourself what is one good thing NATO has done since the breakup of the USSR. Get me back to me on that.  NATO has expanded up to 13 countries up to the borders of Russia. It’s a very dangerous situation for Russia, yet we Americans take that for granted. Would Americans want an anti-American group with access to nuclear weapons setting up bases on our border?  Let me know your thought on that please. I would love to hear it.  That’s what NATO is doing and since you wouldn’t want that for us, you don’t have a valid reason to object to Putin demanding that Ukraine not join NATO. Or is that different for you because we are America and they are Russia?   


Now that you understand the history, and know more about Ukraine than 99% of Americans, you can now begin to assess the causes of the war in Ukraine. There are two major issues here in my opinion worth discussion. The first is NATO expansion that most people should be able to understand. The second is much more complicated and something that most people will deny today and the actions of the Ukraine government since the 2014 riots.  

 NATO Expansion

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev negotiated a withdrawal of the USSR from eastern Europe, and in return the Russians were promised that NATO would not move further east towards the Russian border. Russian president Boris Yeltzin and others in Russia were concerned about missiles being placed in countries bordering Russia. Unfortunately, the United States reneged on their agreement  and promise to Russia. Since 1997, 14 countries have joined NATO which from the Russian perspective is a breach of our credibility and integrity. If you are someone with morals who believes that your word is your bond, you should be questioning why our United States government is lying to other leaders?  This may be yet another reason why so many across the globe don’t like us. Another reason why countries hate us is that we continue to get involved in other nations conflicts.  When is our government ever going to learn to stop medaling in the affairs of other countries.  The American people have no vested interest in Ukraine. Russia is not the country that is always mingling in the affairs of other nations, but it’s generally the United States. But of course the western media will have you believe that Russia is the aggressor, and the United States is completely innocent in taking action against other countries, but I digress. Missiles and weapons are now placed in those countries leading to a potential threat for Russian civilians and the Russian government. 

As an American ask yourself the question and be honest with yourself. How comfortable would you be if China placed nuclear armed weapons and missiles in Canada, Cuba and Mexico? Would you be a little concerned, or would you be absolutely livid, especially if we had an agreement in place that indicated that missiles would not be placed in those countries from China? And secondly, would you as an American expect your president to fight against this foreign aggression towards the US that could annihilate us? Or do you expect us to do what we area telling Russia to do and just an enemy’s aggression unrestrained? I think it’s obvious most Americans would not agree or accept that Chinese weapons in Canada, Mexico and Cuba would be tolerated. Vladimir Putin and his Russian people also feel that they have every right to protect their border against a hostile group, like NATO.  But apparently the American people feel only the United States should have the ability to protect its sovereignty, but Russia cannot do the same? I think it’s more that Americans just believe the lies that come out of the media and are too lazy to think, but what you think? We need to start to use our brains and stop believing everything the media says and ask what is the other side to the story. We assume the United States is 100% right, and Russia is 100% wrong- always. Remember our simpleton argument- USA- good, Russia- bad. We never look at it from their point of view- stop it!

Over the recent months prior to the invasion, Vladimir Putin has said for years that he cannot allow Ukraine to join NATO. The US has ignored him and blew him off time and time again. They never attempted to understand his point of view. This conflict with Russia and Ukraine could have been over very quickly. If we had a real president in charge he should have communicated to both Mr. Putin and Zelensky, and the Europe that we understand Russia’s concern because we too would not want their predicament with enemies in missiles on our border.  In addition I would personally apologize to Mr. Putin for the actions of the American government took over the past 20 years of lying to them, and I would personally reassure him that NATO is not going any further east towards their country. Remember it was President Trump that wanted to remove the US from NATO. NATO is a worthless globalist organization that only hurts American sovereignty. It serves our best interests to leave NATO and President Trump discussed that. Another solution to solve this conflict is that I would also tell all parties that the United States will not provide any aid financial or other means in their conflict. We are not Russians or Ukrainians, we don’t understand their Slavic history, but we want to be friendly relations with both countries, reiterating once again we will not be involved in any way in the conflict. Then I would suggest the three of us go get a meal and then enjoy some relaxation by riding horses shirtless and bringing in the Fake News to cover it all. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be that his conflict would be over? It would also be hilarious to see the outright anger of the media when American, Russian and Ukrainian leaders collaborating shirtless and copying a Putin photo that went viral. CNN and the rest of the Fake News would however be livid that we ended the war. The only group that would be angrier than the main-stream media would be the military industrial complex. It could have ended so well if we had an adult that know some history in the White House.  


The last issue that needs to be addressed outside of understanding the background of Ukraine, NATO expansion, are the actions of the Ukrainian government. After reading this you are going to call me a Conspiracy Theorist because what I am about to say seems so evil, so wrong and so prosperous that it cannot possibly be true that a human being is capable of such evil. My response to your conspiracy argument is that I am not the one who is personally saying these things,, but it is the people in Eastern Ukraine, or people from those areas like my friend Helen who knows what goes on there.  You know what’s going on I your neighborhoods more than what any dopey newscaster who reads from a teleprompter knows. And those peope who have suffered massive loss, and see frequent bombings and tragedy know more of what is truth then the same media. So before you condemn me, I ask you to remember these are NOT my words, but the words of Ukrainian citizens, or former Ukrainians. 

As stated earlier in the blog, Donbass is an area that is very loyal to Russia. You’ve seen the election maps, you’ve seen the background of the culture in that area. And now you are about to hear directly from some of those same people. First we all know you cannot believe everything you see on the internet and I understand that. The good news is that my Ukrainian friend ‘Helen’ is my first resource on what is going on in the area from where she grew up and lived as an adult for many years. I have not seen Helen since 1999 with the one exception of seeing her at a doctor’s office around five years later. When this conflict started, I reached out to her for the first time in nearly twenty years on social media to ask her what was going on in Donetsk. I was floored with what I soon learned after several messages back and forth between us. Logically I never gave it a second thought on what she was about to tell me because I have not thought much about Ukraine since we were little buddies together. What she said was 100% logical but it was only after I thought about it that I realized what she said was the truth.

Helen Message 1:

To summarize, she said wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but she was sure about one thing. And that was the Russia was helping out those in Eastern Ukraine, and Ukraine was not fulfilling its financial obligations to their citizens. We continued to communicate.

Helen Message 2:


By this point she is really scared for her family. Her mother, aunt, friends still live in Donetsk and the violence is picking up. The next letter describes her personal tragedy and my prayers continue to go out to her and the good people in Donetsk.

Helen Message 3:


My friend lost a lost one because of the actions of a selfish, arrogant globalist bastard Volodymyr Zelensky. It’s now very clear from my friend’s point of view on people at ground zero that Ukraine, and NOT Russia is bombing Donbass. I would hope nobody would be arrogant enough to criticize her point of view on what is going on. No human being deserves to fear for their life on a daily basis. Helen’s viewpoint is without question shocking and controversial. Who is going to believe that Zelensky would deliberately murder his own citizens? That’s absurd right? For anyone that has no background on Ukraine it certainly is absurd and a conspiracy. But for those who know the culture you now understand why Zelensky and not Mr. Putin would be responsible for such evil actions. Those Ukrainians wanted to leave Ukraine. Does Mr. Putin have any motive to kill those who want to come home to Russia? Of course not. However does the high-heeled wearing Zelensky have a motive? Of course he does because those people don’t want to be part of Ukraine. As they say on the police shows, you cannot have a crime without motive. The motive is clear as day for Ukraine. But motive alone does not mean that Ukraine is killing their own citizens. One former Ukrainian’s viewpoint over here in the United States does mean Zelensky is killing its own citizens. Therefore perhaps we should get eyewitness testimonials from Ukrainians that live in Donetsk who have witnessed the violence. As my friend Helen mentioned above, Patrick Lancaster is an American reporter on the ground in Ukraine providing frequent reports on the war. He interviews many Ukrainians on what they attest to what is going on. Eyewitness testimony is going to carry the greatest weight on what is really happening in Ukraine. The Fake News never interviews Ukrainians in Donetsk. Hmm I wonder why?? Eyewitness testimony is much more credible that the monkeys in our American media that read straight from the teleprompter on supposedly is happening. Below are all snapshots of all Ukrainians and what they have personally seen in Donetsk.

So it should be blatantly obvious to anyone who is willing to listen to those victims in Donbass, pay attention, and use that brain to figure out what is going on. My friend Helen lost an aunt, and all she hears when she turns on the TV is that Vladimir Putin was responsible when that is completely untrue. Think about if you lost a loved one and their death was based on a lie and you knew it. Can you imagine the rage and the intense hurt she and others feels when she years that rhetoric? I am lucky to never have any victims but every time I hear our media blaming Russia for these atrocities it sends me into a rage- and I’m a pretty laid-back guy. When I hear these know-nothing blowhards claiming the same, I became outraged, and it infuriated me enough and gave me the motivation to write this blog.

The American media has said at ad nauseam that Russia is bombing Eastern Ukraine. Not only does not logically make sense, but we have witness after witness that contradicts this awful false reporting. The reporting by the West is offensive and should be criminal. Alex Jones admitted he was wrong about Sandy Hook, and the liberal judge from the clown show said he had to pay $50 million dollars, over an honest mistake that he got wrong. Where is the justice here for those Ukrainians who lost loved ones over Zelensky’s political actions? Our Fake News is still reporting all of these missile attacks are from Russia, Russia, Russia. Why is the there compensation for these victims when what being reported is a disgusting lie? Why isn’t our media apologizing to Vladimir Putin for accusing him for bombing hospitals and schools and other awful actions in Eastern Ukraine that he never did? What a disgrace! The reporting done by our American and western media is absolutely shameful. They are pushing a false narrative deliberately created by the media conglomerates that are owned by globalist groups. Sadly these lies are believed by 98% of Americans including Jan Merkell. The only thing Americans had to is to simply do their own research on Ukraine and it’s not hard to do. Oliver Stone’s movie is a an hour and half investment. But that’s too much time to spend. Understanding the cultural differences between East and West Ukraine is a five minute reading assignment. What makes this war so tragic is not only that it could have easily been prevented, thousands of lives could have been saved, but now there is truly division between the USA and Russia that once again puts all of humanity at risk. And the sad reality is that United States, and not Russia, has been the aggressor in the destruction of this once warm relationship between the two countries. Unfortunately, the history books will lie about the causes of the division between the two countries just like the media has lied about everything about this war, and how our history books lied about the causes of the War of Northern Aggression. Because remember, our history books always twist the truth so the USA are the good guys, and the opposition, whether it be the South in the Civil War or, in this case Russia, are the bad guys. Many like to degrade wrestling as fake as you have a good guy and a bad guy.  

The application for today is before you believe anything in the main stream media on any worldwide event, use your brain to think about it. Does what is being told to you make sense?  For example, if the COVID 19 Frankenshot is SO SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, then why was it being forced upon you? Why were the unvaccinated condemned.  If the shot was so effective at preventing COVID, why is it important for me to take the dreaded shot if you have already taken it?  Logically if your Frankenshot was so safe and effective, what difference does it make if I get the shot or not? But Americans fell for that lie and I was berated for being a Conspiracy Theorist when all I was doing was using my brain. For those of you who know me, I was very vocal on my views of the COVID 19 vaccine. I lost friends over it, lost credibility with nearly everyone, or was ignored on Fakebook because of my views. Never, ever forget that you were lied to by our American government. And don’t be so gullible to think that it will not happen again, and again and again. The remedy to this is to do your own research and that means reading, and turning to alternative media who are not owned by any media conglomerates. If you are getting your news from TV whether that be Fox News, NewsMax, OAN and those who cater to advertising, you’re not getting the entire story and quite often being lied to. Thank you for reading and God bless.