Monday, February 19, 2018

Top 5 President's in American History

Today I’ve got a special treat for everyone who enjoys the topic of history, and enjoys reading about outstanding Presidents like former President Reagan and my President, President Trump. Because I'm in a good mood in my fantastic home state of South Carolina, I have a special treat for all you boys and girls. I’m going to honor the top 5 American presidents in American history. So, grab a pencil and highlighter folks ‘cause it’s time to learn. A brief nugget to wet your appetite is that every single man on the list of the Official Best Presidents of American history are Southerners.

1.   Jefferson Davis- state of Mississippi. The president of the Confederate States of America, AKA, which I refer to as America’s Promised Land. He was a man influenced by the teaching of Scripture and that fact alone is lost in our national government today. The senator from the great state of Mississippi created a nation literally from scratch and managed to hold off the northern aggressors for several years. He understood that every state was unique and America was a collection of states with it's own individual identity. He believed in a strong state government and believed as many had come to realize today including Mark Levin, that the federal government is a creation of the states, not vise versa. While Davis had a questionable leadership strategy in certain areas, the fact of the matter is that he understood Yankee values, high-taxes, a strong central repressive government was not favorable to Southerners. His premise for secession was the preservation of states’ rights. 150 years later conservatives agree with Davis’ premise of a limited national government- but you probably didn’t know that because you have been paying attention to Fake History. Davis’ most famous quote is that he just wanted the South, ”to be left alone.” While he was never an American president, he was the president of the Confederacy and as far as I am concerned, the South is really all that matters.  I like Jefferson Davis could care less about Yankee values. 

2.   Andrew Jackson- state of Tennessee. Our buddy ‘Old Hickory’ was an amazing general that ascended to power because of his accomplishes in the War of 1812 identified as the hero in the Battle of New Orleans- saving the city from an all out attack from the British. If the British would have captured New Orleans, the war of 1812 may have continued for years, and America may have lost our sovereignty and independence. So if it wasn't for Andrew Jackson, we may all be speaking limey today. He was a man of the people and one against the powerful elite and corruption, a common man if you will. He was not politically correct. Andrew Jackson was an influence on Jefferson Davis and they met when Davis was a young man and was a positive influence on Davis and so many because of his accomplishments and personality. He booted the Indians out of South for skirmishes and violence with American citizens- and didn't think twice about it. He was the original president to crack down on anchor babies and illegal aliens. Well he probably never used those terms, but I’m willing to go on record that he thought about it.

3.      Thomas Jefferson- state of Virginia. One of the founding fathers and recognized by most except for the loony left as a great president. He pulled off the greatest real-estate transaction in history! It was so great that even our beloved President Trump would have given him massive recognition for that deal. Jefferson probably could have wrote the original, “Art of the Deal” if he so chose. He was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase dear friends and how wonderful is that! Our country became great that day my friends. Our nation grew by close to 1 million square miles, extending all the way up to the Canadian border. If only Louisiana wasn’t gutted into a number of less important states… but nevertheless I digress. He was an advocate of states’ rights over a powerful Federal Government, and one who said during his tenure that states had the right to secede if the federal government became too big or abused its power. Obviously Thomas Jefferson was an inspiration for Jefferson Davis.

4.      James Madison- state of Virginia. Father of the Bill of Rights. He’s the dude that gave us so many of the protections we cherish today. He was a strong ally of Thomas Jefferson. Madison was the one who oversaw that Louisiana Purchase- and as we have already learned it is one of the reasons why America is the best. So say it with me, God bless America! Hail the Louisiana Purchase!! Madison like Jefferson opposed the centralization of power by the Federal government. Madison was also a role models for the number one president on the list, the great Jefferson Davis.

5.   Andrew Johnson- state of Tennessee. “Not so honest Abe’s” vice president. He followed the failed presidency of Lincoln and had to deal with the Radical Republicans of the day. I suppose a modern day version of this hate group would be the Antifa. Johnson recognized the evil will of the northerners trying to punish the South for simply following their constitutional right to secede. You've read in your history books that he was the first President impeached. What those #FakeNews history books didn't tell you with their northern Yankee bias is that these Radical Republicans, and other anti-Southern politicians who controlled both houses in congress in massive numbers since the Southern states were not yet to be fully represented. But despite the lack of representation by the Southern states representative to what the constitution allowed, Johnson avoided being removed from the presidency by a slim margin. Kudos for him for surviving all of the hate coming from left wingers of the day- the republican party.

Honorable mention:
Of course the great Ronald Reagan is high on the list. He’s simply the greatest president of my lifetime and there will probably be nobody better. Also my President, President Trump is doing well in his tenure as president.

Worst President in American history:
Easily winning that dubious honor would be barack hussein obama. The most evil kings in the Bible are the closest representation today of what obama did during his presidency. King Ahab and obama will be spending eternity together and they will probably become BFF’s.