Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Acts of the Apostles

Top 10 List- Acts of the Apostles
AKA- The Book of Acts

Dr. Luke wrote the book of Acts. Although the title of the book is the Acts of the Apostles, only two apostles are featured predominantly in the book- Peter and Paul. The book covers a course of around 30 years.

The book of Acts is a transition message between the Kingdom message that we see in the Gospel and the Church. The book of Acts is incomplete as it doesn’t end and is still going on today. The sequel to the book of Acts is the book of Revelation.  The book of Acts is still being completed today by Christians all over the world.

There are a few miscellaneous details I wanted to point out. We learn from the book of Acts that 40 days is the period of time after the resurrection until the ascension. This is the only spot in the Bible where 40 days is identified. Also Acts 20 shares a story of Christians sharing fellowship with one another. This is a Biblical example that shows the importance of communion and fellowship with one another.

After a thorough review of the book of Acts, I have identified 10 major topics of interest.

1.      Parallels between Peter and Paul.
·         Both Peter and Paul go through similar circumstances at different times. I thought that the parallels between the two were pretty interesting. Both Peter and Paul have similar roles but to different groups. Peter’s message was to spread the gospel to the Jews. Paul’s message was to spread the gospel to the Gentiles.

First sermon
 Acts 2
Acts 13
Encountering with a sorcerer
Acts 8
Acts 13
Healing one who couldn’t walk
Acts 3
Acts 14
Being worshipped
Acts 10
Acts 14
Raising one from the dead
Tabitha- Acts 10
Eutychus- Acts 20
In Prison
Acts 12
Acts 28

2.      Be a witness for Christ
·         Acts 1:8 in my opinion is the most important verse in this book and one of the most important in the Bible. Acts 1:8 says:
o   But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.- Acts 1:8

·         When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we are not requested to be a witness for Christ, but commanded to be a witness for Jesus Christ.

·         Being a witness can begin right at home. I know, it’s a very difficult thing. We should be able to start with our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. While it’s not an easy thing, it’s a requirement. I remember my pastor reading a quote that made think. I believe the quote said something to the effect, “If you were on trial for being a Christian, would you be convicted?” Both believers and non-believers need to know what we stand for and what we believe in.

·         Witnessing is a challenge but we can do it in subtle ways. A cross on your desk at work, wearing Christian t-shirts, inviting people to church, showing grace, being humble, being a happy person and differentiating yourself are all positive ways we can all witness.  On the other hand someone that is consistently angry or the chronic complainer probably hasn’t been spending time in the Word and that person in reality is a bad witness. 

·         I am a product of the impact of witnessing. In 2005, somebody witnessed to me, and my life and eternity changed forever. For years I was living the life of a typical Dallasite. I was driving a BMW convertible, working out 5 days per week, really into myself as my entertainment aspect of life revolved around going out to bars. While out sinning I met a girl who was out celebrating her friend’s Bachelorette party. There was something different about that girl, but I didn’t know what? All I know is that she was joyful. Now there is a difference between happiness and joy- and I'll leave that for another day. She asked me a question on if I go to church. She kept inquiring about my spiritual life and those questions began to make me think about the big picture. From that point on, my life began to change. Curiosity led me to a Bible study that was filled with 50 to 60 year olds, and it was really fun! Then I went to a church and felt the Holy Spirit come over me which caused me to give my life for Christ.

·         A simple question or short conversation with somebody can alter someone’s life for eternity. I was a pagan who didn't know Jesus Christ from Buddha. Now here I am years later constantly studying scripture and writing a blog about the book of Acts.

3.      Giving of the Holy Spirit
·         Acts 2 focuses on the beginning of the church. On this special day we call Pentecost, God’s Holy Spirit came to live within the hearts of believers everywhere.

·         Pentecost was ushered in with a loud sound like a violent rushing wind, such as a hurricane. At the point the disciples were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

·         When we talk about the church, we aren’t talking only about the church you attend.  The church we are talking about includes all Christians everywhere – all over the world. 

·         As mentioned above, witnessing is a requirement for the Christian. However in order to witness, you must first have the power of the Holy Spirit.

·         Joel prophecies about the Holy Spirit.  “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh… The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” – Joel 2:28-31

·         We see the work of the Holy Spirit working in Peter and John in Acts 4 and later Paul, when they were arrested. Luke attributes their arrest to the Holy Spirit.

·         The apostles were also receiving the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is a gift for anybody who confesses Jesus is Lord and turns their life over to him.

·         Paul gives us a statement on the Holy Spirit we will want to meditate on. “You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.” – Romans 8:9.

4.      Peter’s acknowledgement of God’s predetermined plan
·         God can see the beginning from the end and he is outside our time domain. He knows thousands of years ago when we would be born, would die, and in this case when Jesus would go to the cross.

·         I like to refer back to Ephesians 1 when looking at God’s predetermined plan. Paul tells us here that the Lord knew when his saints would be saved; it would be before the foundation of the world.
o   Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world – Ephesians 1:4

5.      The only way to obtain salvation is through Christ
·         It is very clear here and other places that the only way to obtain salvation is not through Buddha, Mohammed, Mary, Allah, etc. The only way for salvation is through Christ.

·         This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:11-12

·         A parallel verse that I lean on comes right from Jesus mouth in John’s gospel. Jesus says, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

6.      Stephen is the first martyr for Christ
·         Steven gives a great example of spiritual boldness. He was a man that had no seminary training. He was a normal everyday guy of the town. When he saw wickedness in the Jewish leadership, he did not hold his tongue and he was very vocal about his faith.

·         While we are not under the wickedness today of the Jewish leadership, we are spiritually under attack lead from the pagan left. Unfortunately the disease has blinded many in America on both the left and right.

·         Stephen’s boldness for Christ lead to his death and this ordinary man speaking boldly for Christ and willing to die for his faith makes me realize how much faith we are all capable of. We all have the ability to be like Stephen.

7.      Introduction and conversion of Saul to Paul
·         We first learn about Saul in Acts 7 at Stephen’s stoning. Saul was brought up in the Jewish leadership and he was a Pharisee. He was very active in tormenting Christians for years and we know that many of the apostles knew Saul and were very afraid of him. Saul was in healthy agreement of putting Stephen to death.

·         While Saul was on the Damascus Road to stir up murderous threats against Christians, Jesus greets Paul and asks why is he persecuting him?

·         This was Saul’s life changing event. Now while Paul’s life changing event is probably more dramatic than any of ours, it doesn’t make our life changing event any less important.

·         Saul became Paul and went on to become the apostle to the Gentiles and the greatest Christian that ever lived.

·         Paul is a great example of what the power of Christ can do for any of us. Here was a man that was a murderer who turned his life around. We too can be transformed by Christ himself.

8.      Paul’s Three Missionary Journeys
·         Paul’s three missionary journeys changed the world forever. He brought the gospel to places that never knew or heard of Jesus before. Paul changes the entire history of western civilization.

·         While many of us don’t have the means to travel the world to spread the gospel, we certainly have the opportunity to spread the gospel to our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers or anyone we choose. Jesus commands us to spread the Great Commission – Mark 16:15-16.

9.      Paul loves the Jews with a passion, but the Jews despise Paul
·         Time and time again, Paul makes the mistake of not following the Holy Spirit, but his own spirit to return to Jerusalem.

·         Paul loves his people and unfortunately for Paul, Paul is despised among the Jews because they feel he turned their back on them.

·         Time after time Paul follows his heart and it gets him arrested multiple times and forces him to spend years in jail.

·         Paul in Romans communicates his passion for the Jews here. “For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises.” – Romans 9:3-4

·         Paul is willing to give up his salvation for his people. Are you willing to do that for anybody? Paul’s love for the Jews was obvious both by his actions and his words and it was as almost as intense as his love was for Christ.

·         Unfortunately for Paul the last 1/3 of the book of Acts depicts the Jews numerous attempts to murder Paul.

10.  Two Resurrections
·         We are all familiar with Jesus’ resurrection. But Paul makes the point that there is a resurrection awaiting all of us.

·         Daniel, Jude and Revelation all mention two resurrections. The first resurrection, then, is the raising of all believers and that may happen over a period of time. The second resurrection is where the wicked are judged by God at the great white thrown judgment (final judgment) and will be thrown into the lake of fire.

The Acts of the Apostles is book that starts with the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It is a book that doesn’t end. Acts is an unfinished book and we Christians are the principal characters and Acts 29 has gone on for over 1900 years. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kansas State homers attack your College Football Czar

Greetings friends. It appears your friendly and humble College Football Czar has caused quite a stir among Kansas State homers on Twitter. ESPN so-called College Football Expert, Kirk Herbstreit had a question on college football and who better then then me to answer that question. Kirk wanted to know who was the better team between Florida of the SEC and Kansas State of the Big 12. I answered his what seemed to be a rather obvious rhetorical question and tweeted my response back to Kirk. My response caused a lot of controversy among the K State homers on Twitter and people against "big-boy football."

I admitted K State was a good team, dear friends. Now that is unlike Notre Dame who is just plan average, and nothing more than a Boise State of 2012. All I said was that K-State being a good team would be a 5th or 6th place team in the SEC. No harm, no foul right folks? Now those of us that follow college football know the SEC is where the big boys play. I mean we all get that right friends? However there is no sense on harping on that cold, hard fact now is it dear friends?

Let’s get down to some of these vicious comments from Kansas State homers directed towards me. And yes, my feelings are a little bit hurt this evening. 

In case you cannot carefully see the avatar associated with this clown, it is a picture of deer with a sign holding up OU sucks. Well the last time I checked mr. longhorn, OU just put 60+ on you. Plus let's not forget, you were too afraid to even join the SEC, because you would have been reduced to the relevance of Vanderbilt or Kentucky on the football field, so kindly stifle yourself. 

Look at this guy. “Dumb Southern Conservative” he says. If being against the north and liberalism is dumb, then you can call me King of the Idiots.

Kansas State would beat Bama or Florida by 3 TD’s? Hahahahaha. Now that’s funny. And I’ve always said people that cuss do so because they are not very intelligent and this guy proves my point.

My apologies for this potty mouth. I had to clean up his awful language. We in the South appreciate Godly language. I will not dignify a response, but I do want to add that I like country music, sucking crawfish heads, and college football played in Confederate states. 

I don’t know how one can be considered an idiot and still the College Football Czar. Perhaps you sir flunked my College Football 101 course. 

Now I don’t know why this felt the need to say the s-word, but the same argument holds as I mentioned above in regards to cussing.

Stupid… What do you know anyway. You’re probably one of those obama supporters.

Arrogance? Puh-lease! Just because the SEC wins the national championship every year while I provide award-winning, top-notch commentary on such points doesn’t make me arrogant; it just makes me correct. Let's do one more review of a silly attack on your humble college football expert.

You are calling me a two-year old? Well sir, as the Oklahoma State coach likes to say, I’m a man, I’m 40! One day when your peers recognize you as the College Football Czar then and only then, can you make such harsh criticisms of someone of my lofty status. 

just hope in a world full of hate, that college football can bring us together. As Les Miles once said, the SEC is "big-boy football". And just as Missouri and Texas A&M are finding our right now, the national title comes through the Deep South. Now that we all understand, I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Kevin Parnella
College Football Czar