Thursday, March 3, 2022

Why does Klaus Schwab support Ukraine and not Russia?

This blog is regarding an important piece of information that those in the #FakeNews like FoxNews, CNN or the rest of American media simply don't ask and don't report on. Klaus Schwab has done more to cause destruction to the United States than anyone in my lifetime. So we visit this question and try and speculate on this is going on. 

FACT 1- The COVID 19 bioweapon was a globalist attempt to meet their agenda for a New World Order. That can no longer be debated. Klaus Schwab is the leader of this NWO objective. There is literature in print and online that this bioweapon (See Agenda 2030 and Operation Lock Step) was planned out in advance to bring about this New World Order. I've also seen video of from top scientists admitting that the vaccines don't work but they need change the public perception about on the vaccine that they are safe and effective. All of the low IQ politicians talked about it for much of the pandemic despite reality and science demonstrating that the vaccines were a scam.

FACT 2- Most popular world leaders are now globalists. From Biden, Trudeau, Johnson, Ardern, etc. They all 100% bought into the COVID non-sense with mask mandates, vaccine passports, etc. There is one major exception to this globalist leadership- Vladimir Putin. In fact there is only one world leader who has publicly called out Kraus Schwab- and that is Vladimir Putin. The globalists are the most powerful force in the world. This will lead me to my question and what I want to speculate on.

So I have to question one important thing. It is apparent to everyone that Klaus Schwab is heavily invested in the personal destruction from the bottom up of the United States and that's even obvious to those people who exclusively watch #FakeNews Fox understand. Since Soros hates America so much then it would logically suggest that he would now be Pro Russia instead of siding with Ukraine. For example, Schwab should be an ally of Putin investing much of his wealth towards the destruction of Ukraine to create a new cold war between the US and Russia. The Russians have been saying adamantly not for a few months, but for 25 years, that Ukraine can and never will be a NATO nation. A cold war hurts everyone but particularly the United States since we have too many problems here to count, and adding a Cold war to our budget would further drain us economically, financially and morally. If you watch the #FakeNews most in the American media have claimed that Putin is the aggressor that need to be taken out, as Putin is inherently evil. Some have even called Putin as the new Adolf Hitler. So if Putin is this evil according to Americans, it would only be logical that Schwab side with Russia? That however is not what is happening. What is instead happening is that Schwab is heavily invested in the future success of Ukraine which is a serious detriment to Russia and would weaken the Russians significantly and help the United States. Now of course there are the stories that out there that of course MSM has ignored that indicates that Schwab, Biden and the Clintons are heavily invested in the Ukraine as a globalist stronghold, but nobody in the American media has covered that. Can’t quite figure out why?? Whatever the case, looking at the facts Schwab supporting Ukraine instead of Russia makes no sense. So this is what needs to be speculated about.

So here is my speculation. Why is Schwab investing in Ukraine to side with American efforts and not Russia. There has never bean a foreigner that I can recall who has depised the United States history and done more to wreck it than Klaus Schwab. Don’t get me stated on the inconsistencies of 9/11. I cannot prove this but my theory is that Putin is the only major world leader who is an anti-globalist. The globalists want him dead like they want many of Americans dead because the globalists feel that the world is overpopulated.  Dr. Bill Gates explains it rather calmly in his many interviews you can check out at your convenience. Putin has publicly denounced the New World Order and their objective and said NO! And now therefore the globalists, the media and politicians owned by the globalists are leading the fight to entrap into Russia into this Ukraine war. The quickest way to resolution is to encourage Ukraine to give up. The longer this war goes, the more casualties result and therefore the more death, and the more revenge and anger which leads to further conflict- all a part of the globalist population reduction goal.

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